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Packaging Factory


North America's most trusted and innovative health & safety document solutions and management system provider

Law Review
Office Social Distancing



Canada's Occupational Health & Safety Acts & Regulations requires employers of each jurisdiction and territories by law, to post certain documentation and signage to protect the health and safety of workers.

Occupational Health & Safety legislation makes each organization responsible for managing its Health & Safety requirements within a specific framework of policy and standards.

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm

There is no “quick fix” to problems associated with Health and Safety, nor should it be seen as a cosmetic fix that represents something that the organization is not. In developing Health and Safety related policies and procedures, one must examine the organization’s past, its present situation, and where it wants to be. It involves long-range planning and represents an integral part of a well thought out strategy.



WPCC™ Health and Safety Communication Boards provide all the necessary tools to ensure you meet your mandatory legislative posting requirements. All WPCC boards include our Personal Compliance Assistant (PCA), a unique check-and-balance tool to ensure all your required documentation obligations are addressed and met.

Quality Material

Canadian Build and Design

Innovative Technology

First Class Customer Support


We understand the time and resources needed to make sense of legislation and to assemble your workplace health and safety policies. We will engineer the right product solution for you.

All WPCC™ Health and Safety Communication Boards are designed with our trademark layout that maintains a coherent and corporate Health & Safety image as a whole while providing scope to individual organizations to address and express their internal Health & Safety concerns and policies.

The WPCC™ Health and Safety Communication Boards are designed as a bilingual (English and French) modular safety management technology for housing and maintaining all the required health and safety information.

Image by Fred Kearney


It takes a tremendous amount of time, personal resources, and effort to read through the legislation, not to mention the details that apply to specific provinces or territories.

WPCC™ solutions allow you to focus on your business operations. WPCC products were designed with our Personal Compliance Assistant (PCA) which guides you to compliance with the law to make a better and safer workplace for everyone.



Our material, craftsmanship, build quality, and customer support set us apart in every category. We are honored to make your business comply with the law and make your life easier in doing so.




In 2001, we pioneered the development of health and safety boards. Our line of WPCC™ bilingual health and safety notice boards sets the highest standard for fully compliant legislative posting requirements. It is one of a kind!

The WPCC™ Health and Safety Communications Board is designed to shift Occupational Health and Safety Regulations from a compliance/task system to one that is results oriented. Our approach not only reflects in shorter organized meetings generated by proactive Health & Safety Committee members, but also a clearer way of conveying organized Health and Safety information to all employees.



Trusted Years


Satisfied Customers


Unrivaled in North America




We pride ourselves as a Canadian company, engineering with Canadian ingenuity and quality, creating the most unique health and safety solutions to serve both the public and private sectors in North America.

Image by Jason Hafso


Your corporate logo will personalize your boards that carry the equipment or legislation, training documents, information management, or first aid kits at your workplace.



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WPCC™ Health and Safety Communication Boards

Talott's primary focus has been on conceiving, designing and producing OH&S boards. WPCC™ Health and Safety Communication and Notice Boards ensure that workplaces are legislatively compliant with the specific regulations that govern them.

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WPCC™ Supporting Assets

A unique selection of health and safety binders and clipboards which include the WPCC™ Personal Compliance Assistant to organize all your required documentation

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WPCC™ Workplace Care Center Boards

Access to first aid kits, AED and related emergency supplies has never been easier. Made in Canada, the WPCC™ first aid kit incorporates our Personal Compliance Assistant to assist with replenishment.

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WPCC™ Grab-N-Go for Emergency Response

Stocked with appropriate trauma supplies, with the option to be wall mounted and available anywhere in the workplace, the WPCC™ Grab-N-Go For Emergency Response is a unique portable solution to enhance any emergency first aid response.

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WPCC™ Primary 15 Minute Eye Wash Instructional Board

Provides crucial information and is designed to easily mount the Pure Flow™ 1000 self contained Eye Wash Station. Affixed easily on any appropriate wall surface, or when used in conjunction with our WPCC™ MT-926 Mobile Transport, provides universal access in the workplace.


WPCC™ WHMIS 2015/SDS Boards

Our Bilingual Right-To-Know Compliance Stations are informative and available in a variety of configurations.

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WPCC™ PPE Boards

Your PPE is now easily accessible and organized. The WPCC™ PPE Board is customizable in size and configuration to meet the exact needs of the workplace environment. Includes all the supporting assets required to mount PPE.

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WPCC™ MT-926 Mobile Transport & SA-209 Stand-Alone Displays

Designed for those workplaces where wall real-estate is either limited or non-existent. The WPCC™ MT-926 and SA-209 displays are available in a number of configurations. These sturdy display units allow for the hanging of single or multiple WPCC™ board solutions while occupying an extremely small footprint.

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